Yu-Gi-Oh - Duel Monsters

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*sigh* Yes, I have been trapped in the phenomenon that is Yu-Gi-Oh. I've never played the game (I played Magic The Gathering in my day and this seems quite similar), but I have several cards, I watch the show, collect sketches, paint fan cels (the one below links to my Deviant Art account) and write fan fiction! My favorite character? Mahaad/The Dark Magician, of course!

Click to visit my Deviant Art gallery

Some of my stories and poems (which can be found on fanfiction.net) are linked below:

Rebellion ????Respect ????Revenge

Rebound ????Twined ????Rivenheart

Cry of 99 ????Full Circle ????Payback

Judging of the Heart ????Reflections of Me ????The Final Buckle

King of Duelists ????Grandiose ????Adamant Gentleness

 Yami no Yugi

 Settei 9

 Pharaoh Atem

 Yami Yugi

 Yami pointing




 Final Duel Background

 Black Magician Yugi

 Magician of Faith Anzu

 Flame Swordsman Jounouchi

 Cyber Commander Hondo

 Yugi Mutou


Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40624

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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