VHD Settei -
The Photo Shoot

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(Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust settei - a different way to show these items. What follows is now a daydream as a way to present these scans.)

So, here I am, between clients, and this urbane gentleman walks in. I've seen all kinds in this job (I'm a photographer) but still, there's just something about this man...

Anyway, he commissions my services, asking me to compile a portfolio. Too bad it's not for him. Even though he's older (a bit long in the tooth as the saying goes) he's quite handsome. Still, a job is a job. So, join me, if you will, on my photo shoot of the model this interesting older gentleman sent to me...

 "Let's get an establishing shot."

 "Let's get a close-up."

 "What IS with that hat?"

 "Let's work with that prop."

 "Hmm, not your best side..."

 "Pout for me, baby! Pout!"

 "Let's get a back view."

 "Okay, give me some action shots."

 "Change it up, keep changing..."

 "C'mon, work it, work it!"

 "Now, give me a glory shot!"

 "What the he%*?!"

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40585

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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