Fantasms - Fan Cels

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Almost nothing seems to polarize collectors as violently as the concept of 'fan cels'. I wish there were another title for the art of reverse painting on acetate, as I find it a soothing hobby. I hope to become skilled enough to create my own images in this medium.

I am only a dabbler (the blue framed fancels). Lia (Bakaneko) and Gwen (Requiem) are artists. Their fan cels (the gold framed fancels) are exquisite!

 Fancel - Yami Dueling - YGO

 Fancel - Sakura OP

 Fancel - Dark Magician - YGO

 Fancel - Ayame - Fruits Basket

 Fancel - Amidamaru - Shaman King

 Fancel - Genki Hotohori! - FY

 Fancel - Keiki - Twelve Kingdoms

 Fancel - Yami Yugi - YGO

 Fancel - Dark Magician - YGO

 Fancel - Bakura - YGO

 Fancel - Yue Smiling - CCS

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40625

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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