FY - Hotohori (and Suzaku)

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Hotohori-sama, the best of Suzaku's Seishi! *Sob!* We hardly knew ya!

Hotohori's contemporary song, honoring his early feelings for Miaka, is the haunting and sumptuous 'Slay Me Suddenly' by Mediaeval Baebes. The song is sung in a rather renaissance style -- if not indeed in Olde English. The standard english translation is here:


Your two eyes will slay me suddenly
The beauty of them I cannot bear
So wounded is my heart straight through
Unless your words will quickly heal
My wounded heart while it's still fresh

Your two eyes will slay me suddenly
The beauty of them I cannot bear
I swear, I promise you faithfully
You are the mistress of my life and death
And with my death the truth shall be seen

Your beauty has chased pity from your heart
And it does me no good to complain
Dangerous disdain holds your mercy enchained
Thus have you innocently sealed my doom!
In honesty, I need not pretend

Your beauty has chased pity from your heart
And it does me no good to complain
Alas! Nature has bound in you
Such great beauty that no man may attain mercy
Though he hungers for the pain

Your two eyes will slay me suddenly
The beauty of them I cannot bear
So wounded is my heart straight through
Unless your words will quickly heal
My wounded heart while it's still fresh


 Suzaku 2

 *Hotohori's playacting*

 Adventuring Hotohori


 Hotohori Attacking

 Taka (Hotohori) hugging Boushin

 Hotohori Possessing Boushin

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40624

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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