Master of Mosquiton

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I think that the Master of Mosquiton OVA is superior to the tv series, even though I like what I've seen of the tv series too. Mosquiton is, of course, my favorite character, the silly, happy-go-lucky, slightly angsty one-quarter vampire. What makes him even more appealing to me is that his voice, threatening, cajoling, whiny and caring was provided by Koyasu. (You're gonna see alot of Mr. Koyasu's characters if you browse my gallery!)


 Mosquiton serious

 Rumpled Mosquiton 1

 Rumpled Mosquiton 2

 Mosquiton Beaten

 Mosquiton Heroic


 Mosquiton Appalled


 Mosquiton Drinking

 Mosquiton's Memory Lane

 Poor Mo-chan!

 Insane Pilot Inaho

 Inaho Yelling



 Rasputin and Inaho

 Count Sangermaine

 Mosquiton on the attack!

 *The Kiss*

 Mosquiton preparing

 Mosquiton accepting Garlic 1

 Mosquiton accepting Garlic 2

 Plushie Mo-chan!

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40624

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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