Dark Winged Professor
Source: TV
Layers: 5
Sketches: 5
Cel Number: A3, B1end, C3end
Oversize, 14W x 10.5H
Key Cel
End Cel
Book Cel
Original Matching Background
Added 6/2/2004
Updated 10/24/2007
Wheee! (The other two layers to make this a five layer monstrosity are undesignated effect layers.)
I rolled out of my chair with laughter when I watched this scene the first time. Professor Hiiragi decided that the best way to get high power Monster Cards was to dress up and act as the high powered monster you were trying to get the card for. Doppelganger, the two-headed dog, was a bit surprised to be faced by three humans dressed as three-headed dogs.
Rockna and Mondo decided at that point that Hiiragi's idea was nuts. Hiiragi decided to give his theory one more go, donning Gabriolis-inspired Dark Wings, when our heroes were confronted for the first time by the Dark Winged Angel.
I think it's a bit obvious what Rockna thinks of her dad's antics!
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