Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: A9
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Added 10/15/2003
Updated 11/3/2005
Fujimiya-sensei came to me unexpectedly. I'd had a grinding headache that I mentioned in my LJ. One evening, I came home from work to have one of those packages we all anticipate fall out when I opened my screen door.
My headache-fuzzy mind tried to recall just what could be in the flattened Priority Mail box and came up with nothing. Puzzled, I opened it to find the sketch of Aya from Gluhen, along with a nice note from my fellow collector Titania, stating that she hoped he could chase away my headache.
So now, whenever I have a persistent headache, I imagine Gluhen Aya chasing it away with his sword. It doesn't work to make the headache go away, but it does give me a smile!