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Gabriolis (Page 1)

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Gabriolis Concerned
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A4end
Standard size
Eyecatch Cel

Key Cel
End Cel
No Background

Added 10/9/2003
Updated 12/4/2006
Here's the other side of the spectrum. By the end of the series (at least in the American translation) Gabriolis had returned to the side of Good, though he still appeared rather demonic.

Before that though, there was a scene where he realized that the Mon Colle Knights were in trouble, and this rather concerned expression crossed his face.

(Before I bought the cel, someone evidently forcibly removed it from a piece of paper. There was paint on his lips and some of the paper stuck - that is the white smudge you see. Eventually I may get bold enough to try to remove this residue.)

[Beta cel.]

    Previous: *Concerned Gabriolis Pan cel* Next: Gabriolis Threatens    

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40585

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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