Fan Cel Linework

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Added 8/30/2009
Updated 11/6/2013
Fruits Basket is an anime I dearly love and one I may never be able to watch again. Tohru's unbreakable feelings for her mother, which is one of the enduring charms of the show, tears at me so strongly now that my own mother is gone. When I watched it before, I thought Tohru was a bit silly about the picture of her mother, but now, I get it. I don't carry my mom's picture with me, but she is always in my heart, and close to my thoughts. Fruits Basket touched deeply before I suffered this loss, and now, it knifes in past all my defenses and spirals me into a depression of loss and longing that I can't bear.

Still, the other part of Fruits Basket, much more light-hearted, centered on the unique condition of the Sohma family, and especially on Kyo's imperfect fit. I learned fairly early on that colored pens that will actually write on acetate don't quite bleed under the paint, but they do fade in an interesting way. My hope is that when I paint this, it will have the softer sort of lines and look that is characteristic of Fruits Basket.

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Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40422

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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