Final Duel Background
Source: TV
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Added 10/19/2008
Updated 11/6/2013
In order for Yugi to help Yami (Atem) fulfill his destiny, they must use the magic of the Millennium Items to separate from each other, face each other, and duel. If Yugi defeats Yami, the Door of Destiny will open and admit Yami into the afterlife. Their purpose completed (helping Yami to defeat the ultimate evil that cost him his destiny in Egypt thousands of years before) the Millennium Items will be scattered once more.
The background shows the Tablet of the Pharaoh's Memory, the hideous mold used by Akunadin to create the Millennium Items in the first place (the items were created with pure gold -- and ninety-nine human souls). The Door of Destiny, bearing the Eye of Horus is sealed behind it. The dais supporting the Tablet is the setting for the final, pivotal duel between Yami and Yugi.