CCS - Moonwings - Yue

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Source: Movie
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A11
Standard size

No Background

Added 5/17/2006
Updated 7/10/2006
Yue has the most interestingly evil expression on his face. It's hard to see since his face is hidden behind his arm. *shiver* I can't understand how some people feel that Yue is emotionless.

Even though it's a dynamic shot, since Yue's obviously in motion, I like how his mantle is balanced against his hair, and his wings are balanced against each other. There's not a single purely horizontal or purely vertical line in the cel, but still, somehow, it's balanced.

(I'd feel pity for whomever is about to eat a moon-arrow, but I'm certain they deserved it!)

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Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40585

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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