Fan Cel Linework

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Sultry Guy
Source: TV
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Added 1/25/2006
Updated 1/25/2006
Another adaptation of a doujinshi cover. I've no idea who the man is supposed to be, I was just fascinated with his hair.

Thus far, I haven't ruined anything on this attempt. I switched to using a slightly thicker pen on the lower part of his hair as the doujinshi cover has a very distinct demarcation with how the light is hitting his hair.

I'm just worried I'll smudge the lines while painting, so I won't try until my hands are as rock-steady as possible, first.

    Previous: Gluhen Aya

Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40585

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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