Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

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D and the Sheriff
Source: Movie
Layers: 3
Sketches: 3
Cel Number: A17, B17, C15
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Added 1/11/2006
Updated 1/11/2006
The sheriff and his men had come to the stable to run D out of town on a rail, simply for being a dhampir. (I never understood why they did this, as if they really wanted D gone more quickly, permitting him to buy a horse and leave would have been logical!)

Polk, the old man who made and sold D his new cybernetic horse, related a tale that made the sheriff and his men view D (a totally unsung hero) in a (slightly) more broad-minded fashion. I love the expression on the sheriff's face.

(And having a close-up of D's abs in the same cel certainly doesn't hurt either! Yum!)

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Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40624

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