CCS - Special Yue cels

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FJ Yue Sketch
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Eyecatch Cel

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Added 12/19/2005
Updated 12/4/2006
As much as the 'logical' part of me wants to put this in the Final Judgement section, I really have to place it in my Special Yue section. Why?

Oh, a couple of reasons. It is an amazing image of my favorite Moon Guardian. *grin* He's so delightfully grumpy and just so cold (poor Sakura!) that I want to smack him then hug him!

I lost the auction this was part of for the best and most noble reason of all, in fact, if I had won the auction, this sketch, the cel it was used for and indeed, the image itself, would be overlaid by such sadness I wouldn't be able to ever bear looking at it.

The cel resides in one of my favorite galleries. The owner, in a delightfully non-logical, generous, wonderful way managed to strip the sadness that my family tragedy would have attached forevermore to this image by giving me the sketch. As a gift -- a Christmas gift from a dear friend who understands me sometimes better than I understand myself.

Thank you, Tex-chan, from the bottom of my heart.

[Beta sketch.]

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Curator: Kitt
Gallery Created: 4/11/2002
Hits: 40624

Presentation 8.87/10   Collection 9.11/10   Overall 8.85/10   Votes 42 votes
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