Yue Attacks!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A1
Oversize, 10W x 12H
Key Cel
Copy Unmatching Background
Added 7/2/2002
Updated 5/31/2009
From "Sakura Meets Clow Reed", Yue has discovered that not only had Clow Reed reincarnated, but that he knew he would, and planned for that reincarnation (Eriol) to trouble Sakura until she changed all the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. Eriol also admits that he clouded Yue's memory of discovering Eriol was his reincarnation earlier, and that Eriol is acting quite harshly toward Sakura, Kero, and himself.
Yue is absorbing what he certainly considers to be multiple betrayals by the one he loves most in all the world -- Clow Reed. The disillusioned expression on his face, and the determination in his eyes mesmerize me.